It is pleasure to welcome to the website of the Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. I believe a department is known by the faculty it has. The faculty of Mathematics has earned respect internationally for its high class fundamental scientific research. It has an excellent cadre of faculty members some of whom are outstanding scientists in the world. They are by the large abreast with the modern scientific and technological research trends. The faculty is driving force of innovation and technology. The faculty has been the pioneer in the production of a highly qualified working force in the country, producing the highest number of MPhil and PhD scholars. It offers a variety of modern courses in BS, MSc, MPhil and PhD degrees in various branches of Mathematics. If you are thinking of pursuing a degree in Mathematics, you can be assured that many opportunities awaits you in your future career. We, in the Faculty, aim at to create a collegial and conducive environment for nurturing excellent researchers and scholars. With academic staff strength, we encourage each person to excel in whatever field he or she is best in, be it teaching or research or cultivating a critical skill that is essential to the mission of this Faculty. Recruiting and nurturing talent is the top priority of our Faculty.
I hope you’ll take a few minutes to learn more about our programs, faculty and other activities of the society. I hope that you will find our website informative and user-friendly.